we watched the music video of katy perry's hot n cold song, that's the dress/outfit A.S. wanted to wear at her wedding. so we went shopping for fabric. i made some adjustments to the design in the end making the skirt knee length and filling it with tulle, making it more bubbly instead of long and flowie. i'm not sure if A. ever got the pink fishnets to go with it but in the end i think we both felt really good about the outfit it wasn't a costume like we may have both thought it would be in the beginning. these pictures are from the night before we moved all of our stuff out of our house to leave japan, sorry i'm not a photographer.
i made this dress for a beautiful lady i know and yes i agreed to do it the night before a big move, maybe i'm crazy but she was such a big help to us in takamatsu, plus about one of the most charming people i've ever met. i wanted to do something. she had been telling me i have this fabric...i have this fabric can you do something with it. so eventually i took the fabric and it was actually sewn into a large tube not woven but sewn together so i worked with that. we discovered at the fitting it could be worn two ways! great! on another note she looks royal in it. we are about the same size except T is taller, anyway, when i tryed it on blagh it looked awful with my blonde hair and light skin. but it looks chic on her. i really feel like her father in law picked the prefect fabric for her, she could where it with earthy sandals for a trip to the grocery store and throw a little black cardigan with some cute flats for dinner. not to be OTT about this but i was thankful T gave me the opportunity to make something i am proud of and she looks great in! she's so radiant anyway it's hard to make T look bad ;)